MCQs Headline Animator

Monday, 8 October 2012

Basic electronics multiple choice quiz 1

Multiple Choice Quiz

1. Charge of the electron is ___ :
    A) 1.602x10-19 C
    B) 1.602x10-19 A
    C) 1.602x1019 C
    D) 1.602x1019 A

2. The number of electrons per coloumb is ___

    A) 1.602x1018
    B) 6x108
    C) 6x1018
    D) 6x10-18

3. Mass of an electron is ____

    A) 9.1x10-31 kg
    B) 9.1x10-31 g
    C) 9.1x1018 g
    D) 9.1x10-18 kg

4. one eV (electron Volt) is equal to______

    A) 1.6x10-19 A
    B) 1.6x10-19 C
    C) 1.6x10-19 J
    D) 1.6x10-19 Kg

5. Diamond is an_______

    A) Conductor
    B) Insulator
    C) Semi Conductor
    D) none of the above

6. _________ elements are added to pure Ge to make it extrinsic

    A) covalent
    B) Trivalent
    C) Pentavalent
    D) None

7. Pentavalent impurities are _________

    A) Donors
    B) Acceptors
    C) Both
    D) None

8. Example of pentavalent impurity atom?

    A) Germanium
    B) antimony
    C) Silicon
    D) All of the above

9. Example of trivalent impurity atom?

    A) Antimony
    B) Phosporous
    C) Boron
    D) None

10. Acceptor impurities are of

    A) Both
    B) N-type material
    C) P-type material
    D) None

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